TPL-SQL is an
add-on module that allows some versions of TPL Tables and TPL Report
to read data directly from your SQL database. It eliminates the
need for you to first extract the data from the database before
creating tables or reports. Don't worry. You don't need to know
SQL commands. TPL automatically generates the SQL request and extracts
only the data it needs. If you use TPL products and SQL databases,
you should have TPL-SQL.
Interface for Windows Version
With the new
ODBC interface, the Windows version of TPL Tables now lets you read
data directly from SAS, SPSS and other databases that have ODBC
drivers. Examples
of other databases are Sybase, Oracle, MS Access and SQL Server.
The TPL Codebook Builder makes use of the data descriptions stored
in the database to help you build a TPL Codebook (data description)
User instructions can be found
in the Codebook Builder Help section of Help.